Speaking Services

For the past few years ago I have been serving as a keynote speaker, giving talks, hosting interactive cartoon workshops, stereotype realization workshops, sitting on panels at conferences, public schools, private schools, universities, companies, libraries, museums, government agencies, film festivals among other venues.
I recently came back from talks at NASA & Google.


The audience for my talks ranges from schools, colleges, companies, non-profit organizations, libraries, retreats, government agencies, police departments, educators, medical personnel, diversity events, social change events, artists.

My talks focus on the confining nature of labels and how despite their utility certain manifestations of labels do a disservice to the narrative of our lives. This has wide reaching impact on policy making, workplace practices, education efforts, true representation of our diverse perspectives, just about every aspect of our lives.

It is imperative we confront our own stereotypes and their place in our lives. Embracing our vulnerabilities creates the potential for change, for taking the path less taken, for acting outside the box, for genuinely learning about our true selves. We need to create spaces to manifest our stories on an equal platform. To express our stories and most importantly to listen to other stories.


I offer two types of workshops. For school students I follow my story telling sessions with interactive cartoons workshops. The idea is not to teach the physical skill to draw but to stoke the imagination to self reflect the young students story. To pen down ones aspirations or frustrations into the contures of illustrated lines. These last approximately 30 minutes.

The stereotype realization workshop is for middle to high schoolers and adults. It creates a space to honestly relfect on the stereotypes in our lives. The ones directed at us and those we direct at others. The key is to realize we are not alone in snap judging others. There are implicit and explicit biases. By confronting our thoughts and actions without judgement leads to avenues for real change. This workshop ranges from 45-90 minutes.


Adrienne van der Valk, Deputy Director at Southern Poverty Law Center (Teaching Tolerance)

Richard Brownstone, Head of Middle & Upper School at The Kew-Forest School, NYC

Nick Gulotta, Queens Borough Director at City of New York

Wilson Wang, Pediatrician, teacher, public health leader and health care quality entrepreneur

Jason Craige Harris, Director of Diversity & Inclusion at Friends Seminary, NYC

High School student attending Diversity Day at Thayer Academy, Braintree, MA


Sikh Captain America wants to break down racial barriers - King 5 News (NBC)

Sikh Captain America visits Highline students - Highline Times

Sikh Captain America Visits and Inspires Friends' Central Middle Schoolers

Cartoonist Urges Students to Fight Stereotypes - Masters School

Maine Voices: A Captain America for civil rights - Portland Press Herald

Fighting Enmity Against Sikhs With Art, Talks and Superhero Garb - New York Times

First Ever Turbaned Art Of American School Children - BoredPanda

Man behind the Shield - Teaching Tolerance Magazine

How a Sikh Captain American can teach New York City kids about diversity - Animal NYC

Cartoon Gallery from Churchill School & Center in NYC - Blog

Creating Superheroes in NYC classrooms - Blog